Mark Lowe is our Senior Pastor.
My mission is to help people pursue a daily, personal, dependent relationship with Jesus Christ, which transforms all other relationships.
My parents introduced me to God by their life example and through the local church. I understood my sin and accepted Jesus as my Savior in 1973, when I was 12 years old.
I was born in West Virginia, but I was smart enough to marry Jessie Edwards, a girl from Westbrook, Maine in 1982.
I graduated from Appalachian Bible College in 1986. I had 10 years experience in pastoral ministry before coming to First Baptist in October 2010. I served in a rescue mission ministry in Charleston, West Virginia for 14 years. I held 3 positions during those 14 years with Union Mission Ministries: Chaplain (3 years), Director of Men’s Discipleship (9 years), and Director of Church Relations )2 years).
I am just an ordinary guy and First Baptist Church is made up of ordinary people who know the grace of God.
I love to fish and have found New Hampshire trout and bass to be very accommodating. I have become an avid fan of the Boston Celtics and the New England Patriots.
I want to help people grow in their relationship with God and with other people. You will find our Sunday morning environment to be casual and comfortable, but you will also be challenged by the truth of God’s Word. We have a friendly group of people at First Baptist Church. When you want to dig deeper and form stronger connections, you can attend one of our small groups.
If you are on FaceBook you can find me by the email address. There is a closed FaceBook Group for First Baptist. Send me a message on FaceBook if you would like to be added to the group.